About Me…just in case you’re curious.

So a little about me…

Hey there!

I’m a Domestic Engineer, a full-time Mom to two micro maniacs and a part-time blogger. Each morning, I wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to spend a few precious moments to myself before my darlings rise and the shitstorm day begins.

We live in the burbs of the Greater Vancouver area where we are spoiled with Nature’s beauty and an abundance of AMAZING eateries!

Blogging about life as a SAHM, keeping sane and fumbling my way through this thing called “motherhood”, one workout at a time.

PR friendly, product and service reviews, local events and giveaways!

4 thoughts on “About Me…just in case you’re curious.

  1. Hi there,

    I found your blog after one of my friends shared it with me on Facebook and wanted to run a few things by you. I’m working on a wedding/event venue project, and I think it’s something you could definitely relate to. Let me know if you have a moment to discuss.




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